Kids Can Help Animals At School
August 31, 2019 at 12:01 pm

Start An Animal Club
Find out what needs to be done in your community to help animals and get going! Your club doesn’t have to start off big. Begin with a few friends who think like you do and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish. Make posters of animals available for adoption at the shelter. Create bookmarks with humane messages to sell and raise funds. Volunteer to help clean cages or walk the animals at your shelter. Produce a newspaper or newsletter about animals for kids in your school. Educate your classmates through skits with animal messages.
Write To Officials
Write to local, state, and federal government officials about animal issues you read about in the newspaper or hear on the news. Ask your teacher or librarian to help you locate the names and addresses of your government officials.
Plant trees and shrubs on your school grounds to give area bird life a welcome place to hang out.
Bird Feeders
Put out a bird feeder during the winter. The winter months are when birds need your help the most.
Projects & Volunteering
Suggest a special class project where you clean up a nearby habitat, like a stream or park. Or volunteer to clean up and beautify the grounds of your local animal shelter.
Books To Display
Ask your librarian to select books about animals to be displayed.
Books To Read
Learn all you can about animals. Check your library for publications and books about companion animals and wildlife.
Use your computer to find articles and other resources about animal behavior and care.
Share what you know about animals with others.
Seek Out Fun Facts
Where do frogs go in the winter? Why do cats purr? Why do dogs walk around in circles before lying down? When you find the answers to these questions you’ll be on your way to becoming the “animal expert” at your school.
Arrange for speakers to come to your school. Ask animal professionals to speak to your class, youth group, or school about their work. Some possible speakers include humane educators, animal control officers, veterinarians, museum curators, zoo educators, or wildlife rehabilitators.
Explore Humane Issues
What do you think about animals used in research and science? Does your school require you to dissect an animal in order to pass biology? How about using animals in entertainment, like the circus or the rodeo? Perhaps you can write a report or give a presentation to your class or school concerning these issues.
Express your appreciation and love of animals and nature through art. Paint a picture or create a collage of what animals need to remain healthy and happy. Sculpt your favorite animal out of clay. Create a mural of a habitat for a wall inside your school.